Tuesday, November 24, 2020

HappyThanksgiving Everyone!


I have to admit, I enjoy decorating much more than cooking. My virtual thanksgiving meals were so attractive because they looked easy to prepare in one pan.  When I asked which one he wanted me to prepare he asked for a more traditional thanksgiving meal. There was no way I was going to prepare a big turkey just for the two of us.  I was thinking I'd purchase a Costco chicken if we needed a whole bird. But, I love him, so we settled on a turkey breast which he suggested. I prepared small portions of the sides and we were both happy. He still has his leftovers.  

So, here is my menu:

Turkey Breast with Celery, Green Onion Stalks and Creole Seasoning
Collard Greens Seasoned with Neck Bones and Onions
Cinnamon and Sugar Crusted Sweet Potatoes
Hawaiian Bread Stuffing with Raisins (boxed)
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy (boxed)
Cranberry Sauce (Can)

A combination of fresh vegetables and packaged stuffing, potatoes and cranberry made the meal easy to prepare and enjoyable. We'll try this again for Christmas.